New seating arrangements rattle some Warren residents


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Nov 23, 2023

New seating arrangements rattle some Warren residents

In order to maintain decorum among attendees, the Warren City Council at its May

In order to maintain decorum among attendees, the Warren City Council at its May 9 regular meeting voted 5-2 to amend its rules of procedure to prohibit anyone from sitting in the first two rows of the Warren Community Center Auditorium where meetings are held.

Councilpersons Eddie Kabacinski and Ronald Papandrea voted against the measure.

"People have been coming to us after meetings and saying when they are at audience, when they are at the microphone speaking, that they are being chipped at and being harassed," said Warren City Council President Patrick Green. "To try and alleviate that we don't want anyone sitting in the first two rows."

The policy only applies to the seats in the center of the auditorium that are directly behind the podium. Residents were allowed to sit in the front rows of the two side sections that are across an aisle from the center section.

"I think it is wrong; I think people should be allowed to sit wherever they want to sit," said Papandrea. "If you can't keep order and instruct members of the audience to be respectful, if you allow racist comments, it just proves you’re not much of a leader."

When residents arrived at the auditorium Tuesday, they discovered paper signs on the seats of chairs in the first two rows of the auditorium stating: For the comfort of our speakers, please do not sit in the first two rows.

Council Secretary Mindy Moore added the item to amend its rules of procedure to the agenda at the start of the meeting. Moore made a motion that was seconded by Jonathan Lafferty and the vote was taken. Residents were asked by Green to vacate their front-row seats immediately, which sparked a heated response from several of them.

Resident Vicki Maximiuk ripped up the piece of paper asking attendees not to sit in the seat before moving.

Residents stage sit-in to protest Warren council seating arrangements

Resident Jerry Bell voiced his opposition and said he feels the rule targets him because he has been sitting in the front row since 2017. Bell, who is Black, said he believes the move is racially motivated because he and members of the city's Bangladeshi community typically sit in the front of the auditorium.

"I’m not going back to the Jim Crow days," said Bell. "You guys have a trail of showing that you are racist and I’m going to go there because you guys are showing it."

Bell said he has contacted the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Action Network regarding the council's new seating rule.

Resident Lori Harris said she is one of the residents who requested the two rows behind the podium remain vacant during meetings.

"I don't think anyone should have to stand here and listen to the comments that come behind you and know that there is nothing between you and those people," said Harris. "They clearly demonstrated that they don't have self control."

Councilwoman Angela Rogensues said people coming to a council meeting for the first time might feel intimidated and not having other residents so close to them while they are speaking might make them more uncomfortable. She noted all people should be able to voice their concerns without being heckled.

"The point that residents are not supposed to be confrontational with the members of their government is totally erroneous," said Kabacinski. "The U.S. The Constitution provides for people to go to the government's house and state their grievances and this is the city council's house."

Kabacinski said he filed a complaint with the Warren Police Department Wednesday regarding the seating issue saying he believes not allowing residents to sit where they choose to sit is a violation of civil rights. He also expressed concern the change would prevent people with disabilities from comfortably attending meetings.

"The council rules and procedure apply to the members of council and not to members of the public," said Kabacinski. "I’m concerned that our residents who have disabilities will be discouraged from coming to our meetings and that people who have trouble hearing or use a walker or have physical challenges will not be comfortable."

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